Monday, 16 December 2013

Korky at the movies

Here's the final batch of Korky strips. Movie parodies were always fun to do. In fact the Narnia strip I did was the first time I managed to get a full pager into the Dandy. Full pagers are so much more satisfying than the three panel strips I was usually restricted to.
As usual, DC Thomson own the copyright.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Korkies kontinue

 Here's some more of my old Korky strips for your delectation.  Copyright DC Thomson.

Friday, 13 December 2013

It's a bit like an annual from the olden days.

Well it's December, actually halfway through this festive month. What happened to 2013?
For the younger me the highlight of my Christmas haul was always the comic annual. I don't think they exist anymore, unless they're TV or Online spin-offs. So that pleasure is no longer around. Except for you lucky lot. Here's some of my old Korky strips from the late Dandy which I think will be new to you as you probably wouldn't have even seen them, being above the target audience.

Of course these are all copyright of DC Thomson.