Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy new year beloved fellow humans! Here's to fifty two weeks of the same starting from tomorrow!

Thursday, 20 December 2012


According to an extinct civilisation the world will end tomorrow. I'd rather put my faith in environmental scientists which gives us another good fifty years, at least. Hopefully.

See you all for business as normal on Saturday.

Happy birthday to me.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Aquatic cats on the cocktails

Two aquatic kittens enjoy their tropical cocktails over a backdrop of comic pages.
Some of these blog posts get hard to explain.

Monday, 17 December 2012

More Ridiculous Dogs

Woof woof I found a few more dog doodles. These where all from a game concept I was working on which didn't go anywhere. One day..!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Business men and women

Here's an office load of workers I designed. They mean business... they really do.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Happy Kitmas

Remember that book on kitten parasites I did a couple of years ago? Yes the one that is in both the libraries of the Natural History Museum in London and the Meguro Parasite Museum in Tokyo. Well it turns out I still have a few left - 28 in fact.

They really would make great presents for the kitten or parasite lover in your life. You can see a few examples what you'd find within the book here and I'm selling it for £10 inc P&P in the UK. £15 if you're wanting it sent abroad.

Drop me a line here and I'll sort you out with the only collection of parasite infested kittens you'll ever need (unless you're a vet or some kind of scientist or something).

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Gingerbread Christmas tile

It's often been said that I'm the king of patterns. No, of course that never has been said. Anyway seeing as it's almost Christmas, here's a festive gingerbread pattern I made.
If you want you can download this and use it to tile backgrounds and such on your computer.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Alien in my Belly Button

Here's a comic I illustrated a couple of years ago. The characters and the words aren't mine but I think it's nice to show you loyal readers something different as regular blog fans must be getting tired of the same old stuff I churn out.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Ikea Monkey

I really liked the story and pictures of little, lost Darwin, the monkey in a sheepskin jacket that was found in a Canadian Ikea. At the time of typing, he's currently banged up in an animal sanctuary as I think he might be an illegal pet.

I loved his little confused expression. Poor little thing.

Here's the original story. 

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Last Ever Dandy

Today sees the last ever print edition of the Dandy hitting the shelves. I tried all the newsagents and supermarkets in Kenilworth this morning and none of them had even got it in. Some shop keepers told me that a few people had asked for it and had heard on the news that today's was the last issue. So there it ends, not with a bang but with a-hard-to-find-in-the-shops whimper.

It was an honour doing Korky the Cat for these last few years and I think I got to do him in the last issue, haven't seen it yet as I had to order it on-line. There were some super talented artists involved and you can check out the thoughts of Lew Stringer, Jamie Smart and Andy Fanton on their blogs about the end of this noble institution.