I'm afraid it's a slim week for blog posts. I've been dead busy with this and that, mainly that if I'm being honest. But look at what an exciting weekend I've got planned.
On Saturday I'll be going west to stay with my lovely pals
Jodie & David for a weekend of Bristol fun, climaxing in
Gavin Strange aka Jam Factory's new toy launch. As the above flyer suggests there'll be a collection of custom jobs on the Droplet, which is the toy that is being launched, series 2 mind. Yes, you've guessed it, one of them has been done by me. I'll post up a picture of my custom after the do as tradition dictates.
Looking forward to seeing all the gang on Saturday, so if you're in Brizzie this weekend, please pop over and have a look. And check out the home of Droplet at Andy Woo's
Crazy Label site. Everyone know that Andy is lovely and he treated me to the most delicious shabu shabu I've ever had when I met up with him in Hong Kong last year.