Wednesday, 25 November 2015

The Mindlaxation Colouring Book

If you like colouring in then this is your lucky day. I've jumped on the adult colouring book bandwagon and collected 20 patterns in the Mindlaxation Colouring Book which is the only stress relieving tome you'll ever need. You can only get it on Amazon for only £3.99 - just in time for Christmas. Here are a couple of pages so you'll know the kind of thing you're getting.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Festive whales

The Orca Rescue Foundation asked me to design an image for their Starbucks charity promotion.
Help them to get some money from the coffee chain's red cup charity grant by following their #redcupcheer push on Twitter.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Festive goods

I'm trying Society6 to try and sell some Xmas wares so I can carry on living the life I'm accustomed to (cereal for two thirds of my daily meals). Have a look & if you're feeling festive make a purchase.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Billie's of Brighton

I've just hung up a selection of Corbett originals in one of my favourite Brighton breakfast haunts: Billies. Swing by and get one of their amazing hashes - the perfect accompaniment to a hand draw ink rendering of a greedy seagull or some other weird creature I've drawn.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Birds of Paradox

I like drawing birds, ideally with multiple heads or weird hornbill protrusions so what better way to get this obsession out of my system that create 40 of the little blighters for a Line sticker set.
Head over to the Line Store and get the set for all your messaging needs. It'll be the best 79p you spend today - and I'll get almost half of it.
Don't forget you can still get last year's hot sticker sensation: 'The Zombunnies' at the Line Store too.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Friday, 26 June 2015


I've been doing a lot of patterns lately. I find the experience very satisfying.
Gelato Kittens
Cake Beasts
Donuts & Dragons
Wool Kittens
Scrapasaurus Wrecks

Friday, 1 May 2015


May Day? Already? What happened to April? 
Happy Beltane everyone.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Out From Under a Rock

Come along to the opening night of my latest show 'Out From Under a Rock' this Thursday, March 12th at Brighton Rocks. Peek at the pictures of multi headed tropical birds and fun loving kittens as you sip on a delicious cocktail. Starts at 7 - see you there.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Battle of i360 vs the Wheel hots up with the arrival of a giant robot urchin

I sent a tweet of a quick doodle out into the aether after seeing that two tall Brighton Seafront attractions were vying for attention in the local press. Much like two trees competing for sunlight the i360 & the Brighton Wheel are are both aiming to be the premiere seaside vista providing tourist trap. The Argus picked it up and then Brighton & Hove News did too.

Monday, 16 February 2015

New website

It's only taken me seven years but I've totally updated my website.
Feel free to have a browse around it and let me know what you think.

Monday, 9 February 2015

PopJam redesign

I have a couple of channels pushing my various endeavours such as The Zombunnies & Squire McIntyre's Travelling Mythical Petting Zoo on Mind Candy's PopJam app. Last week they had a radical redesign which looks pretty amazing. 
The app is a bit like Instagram for kids so if you know any point it out to them. 

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Cow & bull

A little illustration of a cow & a bull.
Not much to say about this one really.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Willo The Wisp

I caught myself absent-mindedly doodling Evil Edna from retro cartoon series Willo The Wisp. Surely this series is worth a reboot - the characters are so amazing. Turns out that it was rebooted ten years ago - who knew? I sketched up the rest of the gang too. I really like the characters of Mavis Cruet the fairy (in an ideal world Olivia Coleman to voice) and the Moog.

Friday, 9 January 2015


Just doing a bit of Cerberus inspired character design for this game....